Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Aid

To walk through the world is a project that quickly grows tiring, and often quite difficult. This is not to say that life does not have its joys, but dealing with its challenges takes up much, if not most, of our time on Earth. Many of us find solace and meaning in religion. In fact, in his archetype theory, Carl Jung said that all humans have a God-archetype, or an idea that an old man with a white beard runs the world and is watching over us, because we need to believe that. So to start this blog (interactively!), I'd like to ask you what you think: is the function of religion merely a band-aid to help us deal with the chaos of life? Have we created the idea of religion and of God in order to delude ourselves into believing that there is some divine order and meaning in life?

Disclaimer: I have definitely played up my inner devil's advocate for this post.

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